Monday, November 23, 2020

Network Engineering continued ...

This is a continuation of the earlier posts starting with this one:

            1. Public cloud and hybrid cloud storage discussions are elaborated on many forums including this one. The hybrid storage provider is focused on letting the public cloud appear as front-end to harness the traffic from the users while allowing storage and networking best practice for the on-premise data. 

            1. Data can be pushed or pulled from source to destination. If it’s possible to pull, it helps in relieving the workload to another process. 

            1. Lower-level data transfers are favored over higher-level data transfers involving say HTTP. 

            1. The smaller the data transfers the larger the number which results in chattier and potentially fault prone traffic.  We are talking about very small amount of data per request. 

            1. The larger size reads and writes are best served by multiple parts as opposed to long running requests with frequent restarts  

            1. The up and down traversal of the layers of the stack is expensive operations. These need to be curtailed. 

            1. The more the number of hoops to cross, the longer it takes for data to arrive. Local data wins hands down. Similarly, shared data on remote is less preferred over partitioned data on local. 

            1. The number of times a network is traversed also matters in the overall cost for data. The best cost for data is when data is at rest rather than in transit. 

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