Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Network engineering continued

This is a continuation of the earlier posts starting with this one: http://ravinote.blogspot.com/2020/09/best-practice-from-networking.html 

Strong consistency is an aspect of data not the operations. A simple copy-on-write mechanism and versions is sufficient to enable all accesses to be seen by all parallel processes in their sequential order.

Multi-Tenancy is a choice for the workload not for the infrastructure. If the networking server requires multiple instances for their own product, then it is dividing the resources versus making most of the resources with shared tenancy. Unless there is a significant boost to performance to a particular workload, the cost does not justify workloads to require their own instances of storage products.

Along with tenancy, namespaces can also be local or global.  Global namespaces tend to be longer and less user-friendly. On the other hand, global namespaces can enforce consistency

Cost of storage is sometimes vague because it does not necessarily encompass all operational costs for all the units because the scope and purpose changes for the storage product. The cost is not a standard but we can get comparable values when we take the sum of the costs and divide it for unit price.

Cost is always a scalar value and usually calculated by fixing parameters of the system. Different studies may use the same parameters but have widely different results. Therefore, it is not good practice to compare studies unless they are all relatively performing the same.

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