Tuesday, November 16, 2021


This is a continuation of an article that describes operational considerations for hosting solutions on Azure public cloud.

There are several references to best practices throughout the series of articles we wrote from the documentation for the Azure Public Cloud. The previous article focused on the antipatterns to avoid, specifically the cloud readiness antipatterns. This article focuses on the no-caching antipattern.

 A no-caching antipattern occurs when a cloud application handles many concurrent requests, and they fetch the same data. Since there is contention for the data access, it can reduce performance and scalability. When the data is not cached, it leads to many manifestations of areas for improvement.

First, the fetching of data can traverse several layers and go deep into the stack taking significant resource consumption and increasing costs in terms of I/O overhead and latency. It repeatedly constructs the same objects or data structures.

Second, it makes excessive calls to a remote service that has a service quota and throttles clients past a certain limit.

Both these can lead to degradation in response times, increased contention, and poor scalability.

The examples of no-caching antipattern are easy to spot. Entity framework calls that are repeatedly called for the same read-only data fits this antipattern. The use of a cache might have simply been overlooked but usually the case is that the cache could not be included in the design because of some unknowns. The benefits and drawbacks of using a cache is not clear then. There might be a concern about the accuracy and the freshness of the cached data.

Other times, the cache was left out because the application was migrated from on-premises where network latency and response times were controlled. The system might have been running on expensive high-performance hardware unlike the commodity cloud virtual machine scale sets.

Rarely, it might even be the case where the caching was simply left out of the architecture design and for operations to include via standalone independent products which was not clearly communicated. Other times, the introduction of a cache might increase latency, maintenance and ownership and decrease overall availability. It might also interfere with existing caching strategies and expiration policies of the underlying systems. Some might prefer to not add an external cache to a database and only as a sidecar for the web services. It’s true that databases can cache even materialized views for a connection, but the addition of a cache lookup could be cheap in all cases where the compute in the deeper systems could be costly and can be avoided.

There are two strategies to fix the problem. The first one includes the on-demand network or cache-aside strategy. When the application tries to read the data from the cache, and if it isn’t there, it retrieves and puts it in the cache. When the application writes the change directly to the data source, it removes the old value from the source but refilled the next time it is required.

Another strategy might be to always keep static resources in the cache with no expiration date. This is equivalent to CDN usage although CDNs are for distribution.  Applications that cache dynamic data should be designed to support eventual consistency.

No matter how the cache is implemented, it must support fallback to the deep data access when the data is not available in the cache. This Circuit-breaker pattern merely avoids overwhelming the data source.



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