Monday, November 22, 2021

This is a continuation of an article that describes operational considerations for hosting solutions on Azure public cloud.   

There are several references to best practices throughout the series of articles we wrote from the documentation for the Azure Public Cloud. The previous article focused on the antipatterns to avoid, specifically the busy frontend antipattern. This one focuses on monolithic persistence antipattern.

This antipattern occurs when a single data store hurts performance due to resource contention. Additionally, the use of multiple data sources can help with virtualization of data and query.

A specific example of this antipattern is when applications save transactional records, logs, metrics and events to the same database. The online transaction processing benefits from a relational store but logs and metrics can be moved to a log index store and time-series database respectively. Usually, a single datastore works well for transactional data but this does not mean documents need to be stored in the same data store. An object storage or document database can be used in addition to a regular transactional database to allow individual documents to be shared without any impact to the business operations. Each document can then have its own web accessible address.

This antipattern can be fixed in one of several ways. First, the data types must be listed, and their corresponding data stores must be assigned. Many data types can be bound to the same database but when they are different, they must be passed to the data stores that handles them best. Second, the data access patterns for each data type must be analyzed.  If the data type is a document, a CosmosDB instance is a good choice. Third, if the database instance is not suitable for all the data access patterns of the given data type, it must be scaled up. A premium sku will likely benefit this case.

Detection of this antipattern is easier with the monitoring tools and the built-in supportability features of the database layer. If the database activity reveals significant processing, contention and very low data rate, it is likely that this antipattern is manifesting.

Examine the work performed by the database in terms of data types which can be narrowed down by callers and scenarios, may reveal just the culprits that are likely to be causing this antipattern

Finally, periodic assessments must be performed on the data storage tier.


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