NesƟng Azure AcƟve Directory Security Groups:
Role-based access control aka RBAC is a technique for granƟng access to resources based on roles
assigned to users. Both roles and resources are independent of each other and so are the security
principals who could be users or groups. Groups help to manage RBAC assignments so that users can be
added to or removed from groups without changing the assignments. Roles, groups, and assignments
are used to control access to resources and are oŌen created only as many as necessary.
Some examples of roles include owner, contributor, and reader roles. These are universally applicable to
users and groups across resources. When the current pracƟce involves creaƟng an AcƟve Directory group
for the purpose of controlling access to a specific resource, organizaƟons tend to generate a lot of
security groups. While resources can also be grouped and roles assigned to the scope of resource
groups, it is likely that those resources have independent use cases which makes proliferaƟon less likely
to avoid.
Two techniques come to the rescue of the business to tame the number of groups, roles, and
assignments. First is the use of a custom role and the second is the nesƟng of groups.
The custom role is inherently an enƟtlement to a collecƟon of permissions. These permissions must be
included based on least privileges required and cover as many permissions as necessary to facilitate one
or more use cases. Since a use case could involve mulƟple resources, the permissions in the set could be
a mixed lot. The higher the scope the more the number of resources and thereby more mixed the set of
permissions. By being more inclusive in the customizaƟon of roles and assignments, we come up with
definiƟons than those with built-in definiƟons from the resource providers.
Some people like to keep the permissions independent even for customizaƟons because they can be
assigned to different resources with the noƟon that one resource can be done away with while the other
persists longer. This can arise from changing business needs where ownership and operaƟons are no
longer managed together. Besides, the resource grouping is generally done purely from the point of view
that resources in a group will have the same lifeƟme and that deleƟon of the group will remove all the
resources. Expansive roles and combining resources can therefore require different security groups for
each even for the same set of users. One way to manage this is to treat two sets of security groups as
one requiring another. One security group allows the users to be grouped and the nesƟng of one group
into another gives those same users the roles and permissions necessary to complete their use cases.
NesƟng of security groups might not have been allowed on-premises, but it is most likely, allowed in the
The permission sets must also have some categories as they cannot all be privileges that allow access.
Some must be called out as deny-permissions to clearly demarcate the uƟlity of the custom role.
Similarly, the permissions for control and data path must be called out independently of one another.
There can be other categories as well, but these are widely used.
Lastly, there are several ways to organize hybrid enƟƟes but order and method help to make it easier.
Also, prioriƟzing the use cases and determining the impact that they have, help to address the most
important ones rather than cover all. Also, maintaining a sorted order of high to low privileges or being
mindful of grading with each arƟculaƟon and organizaƟon, helps to be exhausƟve where necessary.
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