Thursday, June 22, 2023


How to address IaC shortcomings – Part 6b? 

A previous article discussed a resolution to IaC shortcomings for declaring resources with configuration not yet supported by an IaC repository. This article discusses irreversible changes and manual intervention for certain Iac deployments. 

IaC is an agreement between the IaC provider and the resource provider. An attribute of a resource can only be applied when the IaC-provider applies it in the way the resource provider expects and the resource-provider provisions in the way that the IaC provider expects. In many cases, this is honored but some attributes can get out of sync resulting in unsuccessful deployments of what might seem to be correct declarations. 

One of the limitations is when one resource is created as part of the configuration of another resource and there is an association formed between the two resources. It should be possible to reverse the rollout by disassociating the resources before deleting the one that was created. However, sometimes the associations cannot be broken by IaC or by actions on the management portal for the resources. Other forms of management such as the Azure CLI command must be used. In such cases, manual intervention or introduction of logic in the pipeline to break the impasse is required. Only by the mitigation and running the IaC twice, once to detect the conflict for the existing resources and second to reset the configuration, will the IaC start succeeding in subsequent deployments. 

The destroy of an existing resource and the creation of a new resource is also required to keep the state in sync with the IaC. If the resource is being missed from the state, it might be interpreted as a resource that was not there in the IaC to begin with and require the destroy before the IaC recognized creation occurs. 

It is possible to make use of the best of both worlds with a folder structure that separates the Terraform templates into a folder called ‘module’ and the resource provider templates in another folder at the same level and named something like ‘subscription-deployments’ which includes native blueprints and templates. The GitHub workflow definitions will leverage proper handling of either location or trigger the workflow on any changes to either of these locations.  

The native support for extensibility depends on naming and logic.  

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