Tuesday, June 27, 2023


Firewall Rules:

This article follows up on a previous one regarding firewall rules. A firewall serves to deter hacker attacks against web applications.  They are also referred to as Web Application Shields or Web Application Security Filters. This section of the article is aimed at technical decision makers as well as application owners so that they can be better prepared with the concepts behind the best practices in setting up a web application firewall.

The access to a web application measures the extent to which the required changes to the application source code are carried out in-house, on time, or can be carried out by third parties. Between the extremes of no access and full access, a WAF can come useful to consolidate access and provide safety measures such as encryption. In between these extremes, the benefits of a WAF is less when the application is mostly developed in house with low buy-ins and more when the application has high percentage modifications and more buy-ins.

Unlike securing transport of data between clients and servers, the firewall does not come with an option to offload to an external device and is designed to be a software plug-in. Prioritizing the web applications for securing behind a firewall depends on access to personal data, access to confidential information, essential requirement for the completion of critical business processes, and the relevance for the attainment of critical certifications. When access is denied from a firewall, some risks and costs apply such as interruption of business processes, damage compensation claims, and others. Maintenance contract of the applications and the short error replication times play a significant role in how a firewall is perceived just as much as its features are used even when configured correctly.

A WAF can help with cookie protection with its support for signed and encrypted cookies. It can prevent information leakage with the use of a cloaking filter or cleaning filter. It tackles session riding with URL encryption/token. It can check for viruses on file upload. It can deter parameter tampering and forced browsing. It provides protection against path traversal and link validation. It provides logging for specific or permitted parts of the requests. It can force SSL, prevent cross-site tracing, command injection, SQL injection, and just in time patching. It provides protection against HTTP request smuggling.

The central or decentral infrastructure, performance criteria, conforming to existing security policies, iterative implementation from basic security to full protection, role distribution, prioritizing applications  and providing full protection are some of the areas of best practice.

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