Thursday, August 3, 2023


Azure Application Gateway is a sophisticated resource capable of being a firewall, reverse proxy, http listener, router and many more. Among the salient ways in which it is used for directing traffic to backend app services, path-based routing is one of the widely. But practitioners often encounter errors that they might quickly blame it on the gateway and look for documentation to overcome them. There’s quite a few of them and due to the high number of configuration variations involving web traffic, it is not easy to find the right fix for specific error codes.

This article talks about two such error codes that are often considered to be time taking to resolve but the resolutions are explained here.

First, is the error encountered when expanding `url_path_map`. There is a conflict between `backend_address_pool_name` and `redirect_configuration_name` (back-end pool not applicable when redirection specified)

Every url path can be routed in one of two ways, it can be routed to a backend pool member, or it can be redirected to an external location. The directions this traffic takes are exactly the opposite with one going towards the backend and another going towards the client. That is why the same path rule cannot have both specified. In such a case, the resolution is to split the rules to serve the client or the backend. The rules can split the path as well with one targeting say /path/subpath1 and another targeting the remaining as /path/*. There are no exclusions to author the paths so ordering the specific rules before the general rules is helpful. In general, we can have arbitrary path and how we sequence the rules depends on us.

A sample path map would be like this:

    url_path_maps = [


        default_backend_address_pool_name = "default-pool"

        default_backend_http_settings_name =  "myapps-nonprod-setting"

        name =  "myapps-nonprod-rule"

        path_rules =  [


            backend_address_pool_name =  null

            backend_http_settings_name =  null

            name =  "fn-demo-7-docs"

            paths =  [



            rewrite_rule_set_name = null

            redirect_configuration_name = "fn-demo-7-appdocs"



            backend_address_pool_name =  "fn-demo-7"

            backend_http_settings_name =  "myapps-nonprod-setting"

            name =  "fn-demo-7"

            paths =  [



            rewrite_rule_set_name = "location-header-rewrite"

            redirect_configuration_name = null






Second, error encountered is called ApplicationGatewayPathOverrideAndUrlModificationNotSupported and comes with the error message: The request routing rule /subscriptions/***/resourceGroups/rg-demo-7/providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/gwy-demo-7/requestRoutingRules/myapps-nonprod-rule associated with this rewrite action properties.rewriteRuleSets[0].properties.rewriteRules[0].actionSet has the override back-end path switch enabled in the HTTP setting /subscriptions/***/resourceGroups/rg-demo-07/providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/gwy-demo-7/backendHttpSettingsCollection/myapps-nonprod-setting. Either disable this switch or remove url rewrite action set properties.rewriteRuleSets[0].properties.rewriteRules[0].actionSet.urlConfiguration.

While the attempted resolution is often to remove the backend_http_settings from the url path mappings, the fix is actually quite simple in that it talks about a specific override within that configuration block.  As shown with the example, the path override is used to provide one when the incoming path needs to be modified but in this case, that is not required because the rewrite only changes the response headers.

    backend_http_settings = [


        authentication_certificate =  []

        cookie_based_affinity =  "Disabled"

        host_name =  ""

        name =  "myapps-nonprod-setting"

        path = “/” -> null

        pick_host_name_from_backend_address = true

        port =  443

        probe_name = null

        protocol =  "Https"

        request_timeout =  20

        trusted_root_certificate_names =  [





The path override is the “/” which must be unset with null to enable the application gateway to be created.

These are the two errors whose resolutions are distilled from the available online documentation and forums.


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