Sunday, August 6, 2023

Azure Database Migration Services – Errors and Resolutions:

While the previous articles introduced the Azure Database Migration Service for the purpose of migrating databases between MySQL servers, this article discusses a specific scenario and the errors and resolutions encountered.

The source server is an Azure MySQL Single Server instance. It is set up to allow access to all Azure Services. There are no virtual network rule customizations and the default access over the internet works.

The destination server is an Azure MySQL flexible server. It has been set up to allow access privately. There is a virtual network and subnet to which it is connected and registered in the private DNS for lookup by its name with the It does not connect directly over the internet.

The size of the database is small so the duration of the migration can be assumed to be in the order of a few minutes. There is only one database with a few tables.

When the database copy activity is attempted to be created in a new migration project on the console of the Database Migration Service, it takes the source server parameters and validates the connectivity but fails to do so for the destination server. The DMS service is deployed to an independent virtual network without a NAT gateway.

If the flexible server had been set up to allow public access and with the allowed access to the DMS service, the migration would have proceeded smoothly. Since the connectivity is private, the DMS service must make some adjustments and there will be errors encountered.

The first error is encountered by virtue of peering at the virtual networks between the DMS service and the destination server – a step necessary to allow traffic both ways over the private networks. Since the default subnet of both resources might begin with CIDR, the peering cannot be made. It is necessary to create the DMS Service in a subnet with the address space different from the one that the destination MySQL server uses. Typically, this is an afterthought and one that escapes attention at the time of creation of the DMS service instance or the MySQL server.

The second error is encountered once the address space has been created distinct for both the subnets of the service and the MySQL flexible server. This error comes from the fact that the creation of a non-default address space of a virtual network/subnet for the service prevents the service from communicating to the source server with an error that says something like “UnauthorizedAccessException - 40103: Invalid authorization token signature, Resource:sb://<somename><sometopic>. Althought this error is cryptic and complains about the way a signature was created for an api call, it goes away unexplicably when the service is switched to the default address space.

This leads to a catch-22 situation of not having simultaneous access to both the source and the destination. The resolution in this case is to split the migration from source to an interim mysql server with one service that uses the default address space and then using another service to use the interim as the source and preferably with the interim in the same address space as the subnet that the second services uses. The other option is to keep it public for the duration of migration and then take it private. Or the DMS service could be instantiated in the same virtual network as the destination private MySQL Flexible Server albeit in a separate subnet with a NAT gateway to connect to the source server.

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