Tuesday, July 9, 2024

 These are more use cases targeted for a commercial drone fleet management software that scales elastically and helps drones manage their flight path in real-time.

Case 3. Many businesses outsource their fleet with a fleet provider that maintains a large inventory of hybrid models that are continually updated in their degrees of motion, capabilities and inputs. These businesses expect to have one interface with the fleet provider and another with the fleet management service such that they can choose to organize their fleet dynamically and pass the fleet details to their management service for commands that they can relay to their fleet members. They expect a detailed and comprehensive management dashboard or portal where they can monitor the key performance indicators aka KPI  for the fleet and drill down. They expect these programmability interfaces to be compatible in a way that requires little or no processing other than relaying the commands or updating the goals on the management dashboard.

Case 4: As drone manufacturers make incredible progress in the scope and purpose of drone activities, they would like to outsource software targeting repeated drills across models and versions of their drones including abilities to plugin customizations for enhanced intelligence. These drone manufacturers are experimenting with a variety of shapes, compositions and degrees of freedom both individually and collectively for formations and their ability to overcome obstacles. A cloud software that can be reached ubiquitously by drones themselves or relayers will be cost-effective in maximizing the output of these drones. Among the features expected by the manufacturers are ability to repeat tests, maintain test history,  and generate test reports. A single transparent pane of glass for observability and manageability of the drones along with these reports and dashboards will be very helpful to them for updating their drones.  Initially the size of the fleets for most of these manufactures might be small in research and development but their deployments on their customer premises could be large and require dial-home capabilities from the units or their controllers and relayers. Different kinds of topology involving different types of units participating in overall fleet management and formations must be supported by this software.

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