Sunday, July 28, 2024

 Problem statement:

Assume you have two matrices A and B in a sparse matrix format, where each record is of the form i, j, value. Design a MapReduce algorithm to compute the matrix multiplication A x B

Map Input

The input to the map function will be a row of a matrix represented as a list. Each list will be of the form [matrix, i, j, value] where matrix is a string and i, j, and value are integers.

The first item, matrix, is a string that identifies which matrix the record originates from. This field has two possible values: "a" indicates that the record is from matrix A and "b" indicates that the record is from matrix B.

Reduce Output

The output from the reduce function will also be a row of the result matrix represented as a tuple. Each tuple will be of the form (i, j, value) where each element is an integer.



import MapReduce

import json

import sys

# Part 1

mr = MapReduce.MapReduce()

# A has dimensions L,M

# B has dimensions M,N

L = 5

M = 5

N = 5

# Part 2

def mapper(record):

    print(f"record={record} \t + {record[0]} + \t + {record[1]} + \t + {record[2]} + \t + {record[3]}")

    matrix_index  = record[0]

    row           = record[1]

    col           = record[2]

    value         = record[3]

    if matrix_index == "a":

        for i in range(0, N):

            key = f"{row},{i}"

            mr.emit_intermediate(key, ("a", row, col, value))

    if matrix_index == "b":

        for j in range(0, L):

            key = f"{j},{col}"

            mr.emit_intermediate(key, ("b", row, col, value))

# Part 3

def reducer(key, list_of_values):

    # one reducer per output cell of destination matrix

    # print(f"{key},{list_of_values}")

    total = 0

    line = ""

    for k in range(0,M):

        left = getcolumn(list_of_values, k, "a")

        right = getrow(list_of_values, k, "b")

        total += left*right

        line += f"{left}*{right}={left*right} +"

    line += f"= {total}"


    mr.emit((int(key.split(',')[0]), int(key.split(',')[1]), total))

def getcolumn(values, k, matrix_type):

    result = 0

    for item in values:

        mtype = item[0]

        row = item[1]

        col = item[2]

        value = item[3]

        if mtype == matrix_type and col == k:

           result = value


    return result

def getrow(values, k, matrix_type):

    result = 0

    for item in values:

        mtype = item[0]

        row = item[1]

        col = item[2]

        value = item[3]

        if matrix_type == mtype and row == k:

           result = value


    return result

# Part 4

inputdata = open(sys.argv[1])

mr.execute(inputdata, mapper, reducer)


python3 matrix.json

record=['a', 0, 0, 63]   + a +   + 0 +   + 0 +   + 63

record=['a', 0, 1, 45]   + a +   + 0 +   + 1 +   + 45

record=['a', 0, 2, 93]   + a +   + 0 +   + 2 +   + 93

record=['a', 0, 3, 32]   + a +   + 0 +   + 3 +   + 32

record=['a', 0, 4, 49]   + a +   + 0 +   + 4 +   + 49

record=['a', 1, 0, 33]   + a +   + 1 +   + 0 +   + 33

record=['a', 1, 3, 26]   + a +   + 1 +   + 3 +   + 26

record=['a', 1, 4, 95]   + a +   + 1 +   + 4 +   + 95

record=['a', 2, 0, 25]   + a +   + 2 +   + 0 +   + 25

record=['a', 2, 1, 11]   + a +   + 2 +   + 1 +   + 11

record=['a', 2, 3, 60]   + a +   + 2 +   + 3 +   + 60

record=['a', 2, 4, 89]   + a +   + 2 +   + 4 +   + 89

record=['a', 3, 0, 24]   + a +   + 3 +   + 0 +   + 24

record=['a', 3, 1, 79]   + a +   + 3 +   + 1 +   + 79

record=['a', 3, 2, 24]   + a +   + 3 +   + 2 +   + 24

record=['a', 3, 3, 47]   + a +   + 3 +   + 3 +   + 47

record=['a', 3, 4, 18]   + a +   + 3 +   + 4 +   + 18

record=['a', 4, 0, 7]    + a +   + 4 +   + 0 +   + 7

record=['a', 4, 1, 98]   + a +   + 4 +   + 1 +   + 98

record=['a', 4, 2, 96]   + a +   + 4 +   + 2 +   + 96

record=['a', 4, 3, 27]   + a +   + 4 +   + 3 +   + 27

record=['b', 0, 0, 63]   + b +   + 0 +   + 0 +   + 63

record=['b', 0, 1, 18]   + b +   + 0 +   + 1 +   + 18

record=['b', 0, 2, 89]   + b +   + 0 +   + 2 +   + 89

record=['b', 0, 3, 28]   + b +   + 0 +   + 3 +   + 28

record=['b', 0, 4, 39]   + b +   + 0 +   + 4 +   + 39

record=['b', 1, 0, 59]   + b +   + 1 +   + 0 +   + 59

record=['b', 1, 1, 76]   + b +   + 1 +   + 1 +   + 76

record=['b', 1, 2, 34]   + b +   + 1 +   + 2 +   + 34

record=['b', 1, 3, 12]   + b +   + 1 +   + 3 +   + 12

record=['b', 1, 4, 6]    + b +   + 1 +   + 4 +   + 6

record=['b', 2, 0, 30]   + b +   + 2 +   + 0 +   + 30

record=['b', 2, 1, 52]   + b +   + 2 +   + 1 +   + 52

record=['b', 2, 2, 49]   + b +   + 2 +   + 2 +   + 49

record=['b', 2, 3, 3]    + b +   + 2 +   + 3 +   + 3

record=['b', 2, 4, 95]   + b +   + 2 +   + 4 +   + 95

record=['b', 3, 0, 77]   + b +   + 3 +   + 0 +   + 77

record=['b', 3, 1, 75]   + b +   + 3 +   + 1 +   + 75

record=['b', 3, 2, 85]   + b +   + 3 +   + 2 +   + 85

record=['b', 4, 1, 46]   + b +   + 4 +   + 1 +   + 46

record=['b', 4, 2, 33]   + b +   + 4 +   + 2 +   + 33

record=['b', 4, 3, 69]   + b +   + 4 +   + 3 +   + 69

record=['b', 4, 4, 88]   + b +   + 4 +   + 4 +   + 88

63*63=3969 +45*59=2655 +93*30=2790 +32*77=2464 +49*0=0 += 11878

63*18=1134 +45*76=3420 +93*52=4836 +32*75=2400 +49*46=2254 += 14044

63*89=5607 +45*34=1530 +93*49=4557 +32*85=2720 +49*33=1617 += 16031

63*28=1764 +45*12=540 +93*3=279 +32*0=0 +49*69=3381 += 5964

63*39=2457 +45*6=270 +93*95=8835 +32*0=0 +49*88=4312 += 15874

33*63=2079 +0*59=0 +0*30=0 +26*77=2002 +95*0=0 += 4081

33*18=594 +0*76=0 +0*52=0 +26*75=1950 +95*46=4370 += 6914

33*89=2937 +0*34=0 +0*49=0 +26*85=2210 +95*33=3135 += 8282

33*28=924 +0*12=0 +0*3=0 +26*0=0 +95*69=6555 += 7479

33*39=1287 +0*6=0 +0*95=0 +26*0=0 +95*88=8360 += 9647

25*63=1575 +11*59=649 +0*30=0 +60*77=4620 +89*0=0 += 6844

25*18=450 +11*76=836 +0*52=0 +60*75=4500 +89*46=4094 += 9880

25*89=2225 +11*34=374 +0*49=0 +60*85=5100 +89*33=2937 += 10636

25*28=700 +11*12=132 +0*3=0 +60*0=0 +89*69=6141 += 6973

25*39=975 +11*6=66 +0*95=0 +60*0=0 +89*88=7832 += 8873

24*63=1512 +79*59=4661 +24*30=720 +47*77=3619 +18*0=0 += 10512

24*18=432 +79*76=6004 +24*52=1248 +47*75=3525 +18*46=828 += 12037

24*89=2136 +79*34=2686 +24*49=1176 +47*85=3995 +18*33=594 += 10587

24*28=672 +79*12=948 +24*3=72 +47*0=0 +18*69=1242 += 2934

24*39=936 +79*6=474 +24*95=2280 +47*0=0 +18*88=1584 += 5274

7*63=441 +98*59=5782 +96*30=2880 +27*77=2079 +0*0=0 += 11182

7*18=126 +98*76=7448 +96*52=4992 +27*75=2025 +0*46=0 += 14591

7*89=623 +98*34=3332 +96*49=4704 +27*85=2295 +0*33=0 += 10954

7*28=196 +98*12=1176 +96*3=288 +27*0=0 +0*69=0 += 1660

7*39=273 +98*6=588 +96*95=9120 +27*0=0 +0*88=0 += 9981

[0, 0, 11878]

[0, 1, 14044]

[0, 2, 16031]

[0, 3, 5964]

[0, 4, 15874]

[1, 0, 4081]

[1, 1, 6914]

[1, 2, 8282]

[1, 3, 7479]

[1, 4, 9647]

[2, 0, 6844]

[2, 1, 9880]

[2, 2, 10636]

[2, 3, 6973]

[2, 4, 8873]

[3, 0, 10512]

[3, 1, 12037]

[3, 2, 10587]

[3, 3, 2934]

[3, 4, 5274]

[4, 0, 11182]

[4, 1, 14591]

[4, 2, 10954]

[4, 3, 1660]

[4, 4, 9981]


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