Monday, July 22, 2024

The well-known Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm.

This algorithm can be explained in terms of the sequence matching between input and patterns this way:

void KMP(string pattern, string text, vector<int> *positions) {

    int patternLength = pattern.length();

    int textLength = text.length();

    int* next =  PreProcess(pattern);

 if (next == 0) return;

    int i = 0;

    int j = 0;

    while ( j < textLength )



   if (text[j] == pattern[i]) //matches


    i++;   // yes, move on to the next state

    if (i == patternLength)  // maybe that was the last state


     // found a match;


     i = next[i];




   else if (i == 0) break; // no match in state j = 0, give up

   else i = next[i];




int* PreProcess( string pattern) {

 int patternLength = pattern.length();

 if (patternLength == 0) return 0;

    int * next = new int[patternLength + 1];

    if (next == 0) return 0;

    next[0] = -1;  // set up for loop below; unused by KMP

    int i = 0;

    int j = -1;

    // next[0] = -1;

    // int len = pattern.length();

    while (i < patternLength) {

  next[i + 1] = next[i] + 1;

  while ( next[i+1] > 0 &&

    pattern[i] != pattern[next[i + 1] - 1])

   next[i + 1] = next[next[i + 1] - 1] + 1;



    return next;


Usage: DroneDataAddition.docx

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