Thursday, June 12, 2014

In today's post I want to take a break and talk about exception translator.
In windows, we have a method called the set_se_translator and it provides a convenient way to handle exceptions as C++ typed  exceptions. First a C++ exception wrapper class is defined  that can be used to attribute a specific class type to a  exception.  Each time an exception is raised, a custom C++ exception is raised, a custom exception translator function installed is called by the internal exception handling mechanism. The translation occurs from any kind of exception to the type registered;.
The translator function however does not log to a file because generally speaking we don't want to delay the exception handling
 In a multithreaded environment, translator functions are maintained separately for each thread. This means we can use the thread local storage to save state. At the same time, if this is done for a worker pool where the workers participate in different tasks, the translator may need to be toggled for each such task. The _set_se_translator works with /EHa only.
 The _set_se_translator takes an unsigned integer and a pointer to a Win32 _EXCEPTION_POINTERS structure as arguments and these can be found by the Win32 API GetExceptionCode() and GetExceptionInformation()

As an example

void translator(unsigned int, EXCEPTION_POINTERS*);

int main()
    _set_se_translator( translator );
catch (SE_Exception e )

void translator (unsigned int u, EXCEPTION_POINTERS* p)
printf ("In translator\n");
throw SE_Exception();

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