Thursday, January 19, 2017

Today we continue to read up on how Google protects data.Google has incredible expertise in this area. Security is an integral part of their operations. They scan for security threats using tools, they use penetration testing, quality assurance processes, security reviews and external audit. They have a rigorous incident management process for security events that affect the confidentiality, integrity or availability of systems of data. They apply defense-in-depth perspective to securing their custom-designed servers, proprietary operating systems and geographically distributed data centers.Data is encrypted in transit, at rest and on backup media, moving over the internet or traveling between the data centers. They build redundancy into their server design, data storage, network and internet connectivity and even the software services.Their audits cover compliance standards such as ISO27001, ISO27017, ISO27018, SOC 2 and SOC 3 as well as the FedRAMP programs. we saw what these certifications meant. Google takes efforts to secure the data at rest and in transit. It does not sell the data and isolates it between customers even on the same server. It provides administrative access to keep data private and secure.Approvals to grant access follows workflows that are audited. Such access include those from Law enforcement officials which are also published in a transparency report. Wherever third parties are involved, their risks have been assessed and their roles are determined by contract. Customers may export their data in portable formats. Google has a Data Privacy Officer assigned for questions on its regulatory compliance. Such compliance can include regional directives as for example EU Data Protection Directives where personal data may flow from subject to the Directive to providers outside the EU. Similarly Google provides compliance with Health Portability and Accountability Act aka HIPAA, US Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act aka FERPA and Children's Online Privacy Protection Act aka COPPA. The first pertains to health information, the second student information and the third children's information. Google empowers its users and administrators to improve security with its dashboard and admin consoles.  Authentication features such as 2-step verification and single sign on and email security policies can be easily configured. Single Sign-on is enabled with SAML 2.0

Determine if a binary tree is balanced
bool IsBalanced(Node root)
if (root == null) return true;
int lh = height(root.left);
int rh = height(root.right);
if (abs(lh-rh) <= 1 && IsBalanced(root.left) && IsBalanced(root.right))
   return true;
return false;
int height(Node root)
if (root == null) return 0;
return 1 + max(height(root.left), height(root.right));

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