Thursday, March 17, 2022


Azure Functions:    

This is a continuation of a series of articles on Azure services from an operational engineering perspective with the most recent introduction to Azure Functions with the link here. This article continues to discuss Azure Functions’ best practices with focus on organization and scalability.


Performance and scalability concerns are clearer with serverless function apps. Large long-running functions can cause unexpected timeout issues. Bloating of an application is noticeable when there are many libraries included. For example, a Node.js function application can have dozens of dependencies. Importing dependencies increases load times that result in unexpected timeouts. Dependencies tree can be of arbitrary breadth and length. Whenever possible, it is best to split the function applications into sets that work together and return responses fast. One way of doing this involves HTTP trigger function to be separate from a queue trigger function such that the HTTP trigger returns an acknowledgement while the payload is placed on the queue to be processed subsequently.

Scalability is also improved when functions are stateless. When the state is combined with the data, the functions become stateless. For example, an order might have a state so that repeated processing of the order transitions it from one state to another while the functions remain stateless.

When a solution comprises of multiple functions, they are often combined into a single function app, but they can also run-in separate function applications. Multiple function applications can also share the same resources by running in the same plan if the Premium and dedicated hosting plan has been selected.  Each function has a memory footprint. When there are many functions in the same application, they might cause the function to load more slowly than for single function applications. Different functions might also have disproportionate requirements and those with excessive usage can be put in their own dedicated function application. Grouping of functions in a function application can also be motivated by load profiles. If one gets frequent messages and another is more resource intensive, then they can be put in separate function applications.

Function applications have a host.json file which can be used to configure advanced behavior of function triggers, and the Azure Functions runtime. Changes to this file can apply to all functions in the application. Organizing different functions based on this configuration will alleviate the operational concerns.

Functions can also be organized by privilege. Connection strings and other credentials stored in application settings need not be given access to all. Those that use them can be put in one function application.

Function scaling depends a lot on managing connections and storage accounts. It is best to avoid sharing storage accounts. Test and production code need not be mixed in the same function app. It is preferable not to have verbose logging in production code because it affects performance.




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