Thursday, March 23, 2023

Linux kernel extensions continued


Application development frequently encounters the need for background tasks or scheduled jobs. Long running tasks are often delegated to background workers. In fact, some models require a state reconciliation control loop that is best met by background workers. This idea is frequently encountered with infrastructure providers. For example, Kubernetes has a language that articulates state so that its control loop can reconcile these resources. The resources can be generated and infused with specific configuration and secret using a configMap generator and a secret generator respectively. It can take an existing file and generate a configMap that can be applied to new resources.

FUSE can also be used with remote folders. Mounting a remote folder is a great way to access information on a remote server. Mounting the folder into the filesystem will allow us to drag and drop files into the required folder and the information will then be transferred to the remote location. For example, the following commands can be used to set this up:

yum install epel-release -y

yum install fuse sshfs -y

modprobe fuse

lsmod | grep fuse

echo “modprobe fuse” >> /etc/rc.local

ssh root@ /home/remote

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