Wednesday, June 5, 2024

 This is  a summary of the book “Grace Under Pressure: Leading through change and crisis” written by John Baldoni and published by Savio Republic in 2023. The author teaches how to maintain composure in stressful situations. The first priority when pressure hits is to make sure our people are okay. Then, make sure we are okay and take a deep breath. We must look as wisely into the future and consider how to prevent today’s stress from compounding.  Any decision must not harm our people. He also stresses the importance of courage, compassion, empathy, hope, resilience and selflessness into our lives.

Grace serves us and our stakeholders. We must practice astute situational assessment and intelligent follow-up.  Leaders with grace under pressure  plan ahead and take care.

Logic helps to find the truth. Our values help to answer the “why” but grace helps to answer “how”. Control what we can. Instead of focusing on “winner takes all” and “winner shares all”. Those who practice this remain resolute.

"Grace under pressure" is a leadership concept that emphasizes maintaining one's coolness in challenging situations. It originated from the words of Ernest Hemingway, who described it as a dependable, composed leader directing a firefight. Grace is a mysterious, spiritual, and magical force that can appear unexpectedly and propel people towards their higher aspirations. High-quality leaders must objectively assess their teams, units, departments, or organizations to plan and implement actions to help their people succeed. They should ask three crucial questions: "What is happening?", "What is not happening?", and "What can I do to influence the outcome?" By designing their investigation to help them and their team take the best steps going forward, leaders can help their teams succeed in challenging situations. However, it is important to remember that sometimes the best group action might be no action at all.

Grace under pressure is a key leadership trait that involves taking care of one's people, taking care of oneself, and planning for the future. These leaders are able to adapt to change and adapt to it, demonstrating integrity, courage, and logical reasoning. They are also humilent, reason-driven, courageous, humorous, and loving.

Grace is essential for leading a meaningful life, as it fuels purpose and becomes the "how" to achieve goals. It enriches connections and creates a sense of community among employees. Leaders who can muster grace under pressure can take their organization in a different direction, fostering connections among their people and building internal cohesion.

Corporate cultures that foster a sense of community can foster connections among their people, helping organizations become a setting for connected communities. Transformations require grace, which involves listening before talking, solving problems, encouraging open communication, instilling hope, banishing fear, and acting forthrightly and with courage.

We must focus on the present, recharge or renew, orient yourself to the future, anchor yourself, and have humility. Leaders must be flexible and adaptable to the unpredictable world they face. We must be careful, deliberate, measured, and reflective in our thoughts and actions, making "mutuality" our watchword. Orienting ourselves to the goal of making things better for those we lead, coaching them to benefit from our values and long-range thinking.

Leaders should also walk behind their people, as stress resilience expert Dr. Sharon Melnick believes leaders don't have time to not do this. Many business-school students are afraid to come across as friendly and civil once they gain authority at work, but a leader with grace knows that they can overcome challenges and become better people. By following these ground rules, leaders can control their actions and achieve success in their organizations.

Grace under pressure leaders maintain resoluteness despite challenges, focusing on dignity and creating a workplace where people feel valued and want to contribute. They communicate effectively, avoid anxiety and fear, remain positive, stress mental health, and engage with team members. To exhibit grace under pressure, leaders should ask three questions: what to do, how to effectively engage with their team, and how their leadership will be portrayed during a crisis.


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