Saturday, February 2, 2013

DBMS storage management

Sequential access to data is at least an order of magnitude faster than random access and has been increasing. As a result, a  DBMS store manager finds it critical to place blocks on the disk such that the  queries can access it sequentially. Since the DBMS knows the workload access patterns better than the underlying system, there is a  requirement to exercise full control over the spatial positioning of database blocks on disk.  The best way for the DBMS to enforce spatial locality of the data is to store it directly on the raw device. However, this uses up the disk partitions and the interfaces are OS specific. Instead developments like RAID and SAN have made the virtual device more appealing. Consequently, the store manager now accesses a single files and places these block directly in the file.  The file is essentially treated as a linear array of disk-resident pages.  Further DBMS vendors also allow database size to be customized to a size appropriate to a workload. In addition to where the data is written, the discussion on when the data is written is equally important. DBMS will try to postpone or reorder writes and this may conflict with OS  read-ahead and write behind approach. The write ahead logging is required by the DBMS to provide durability and correctness. Another reason for a conflict may be OS buffering impact on DBMS IO optimizations. For example, the data access algorithm and plan is known from the query plan where as the OS only knows about bytes. Consequently, this double buffering between DBMS and OS is considered redundant. Copying is often ignored however the major bottleneck for throughput in well tuned transaction processing has not been I/O. Sufficient disks and higher RAM can enable the processors to have data all the time. OS now support options to turn off this additional buffering. This ensures that writes go to the disk when requested. In order that the DBMS provides access to database pages, it implements a buffer pool. Along with arrays of buffer pool, it maintains a hash table that maps the page numbers currently held in memory to their location in the frame table, the location for the page on the disk storage, and metadata about the page such as  a dirty bit and any information needed by the page replacement policy. Active pages are "pinned" in memory  and this is typically a small fraction of the overall buffer pool. Since the contents of page could be diverse, the page replacement policy algorithms are focused on instead. With 64 bit addressing and falling memory prices, very large buffer pools are now possible. Flash memory is also making its impact with a tradeoff between cost/performance relative to disk and RAM. Another factor to improve data residency has been compression but this has required representations that are amenable to data processing and query processing internals. Finally, column oriented storage is being considered in non-traditional database market.

1 comment:

  1. HOW Flash memory is also making its impact with a tradeoff between cost/performance relative to disk

    [url=]Storage Management[/url]
