Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Text Search and keyword lookup

Keyword lookup is a form of search which includes cases where the topic words for the provided text may not be part of the text. This is usually done based on some semantic dictionary or thesaurus involved and lookups.  Unfortunately, such thesaurus is specific to the domain for which the text is written. As an example, let's take a look at the keywords used for the internet. Search engine optimization professionals use keyword research to find and research actual search terms people enter into the search engines when conducting a search. They lookup the relevancy of the keywords to a particular site. They find the ranks of the keywords from various search engines for competing sites. They buy sample campaign for the keywords from search engines and they predict the click-through rate. Although search engine optimization is not related to the automated keyword discovery, it serves to indicate that relevancy and choice of keywords is a complex task and concordance is not enough. Additional metadata in the form of distance vectors or connectivity between words or their hiearchy in wordnet is required. Building a better dictionary or thesaurus for the domain is one consideration. Selecting the metrics to evaluate the keywords is another. Using the statistics for the keywords encountered so far is a third consideration.

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