Friday, July 11, 2014

In today's post we will continue our discussion. We will explore and describe
Define SQL integration
Define user defined type system
Define common type system
Define user defined search operator
Define programmable operator
Define user programming interface for type system
Before we look at SQL integration,  we want to look at the ways Splunk uses SQL lite. With that disclaimer and rain check,  I will proceed to what I want: to create SQL queries for externalized search and types out of fields
First we are looking at a handful of SQL queries.
Next, we use the same schema as we have key maps.
I want to describe the use of a user defined search processor. Almost all search processors implement a set of common methods. These methods already describe a set of expected behavior for any processor that handles input and output of search results.if these methods were to be exposed to the user via a programmable interface, then users can plug in any processor of their own. To expose these methods to the user, we need callbacks that we can invoke and these can be registered as  REST api by the user. The internal implementation of this custom search processor can then make these REST calls and marshal the parameters and the results.

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