Monday, July 7, 2014

Today we review search processors in Splunk. There are several processors that can be invoked to get the desired search results. These often translate to the search operators in the expression and follow a pipeline model.  The pipeline is a way to redirect the output of one operator into the input of another. All of these processors implement a similar execute method that takes SearchResults and SearchResultsInfo as arguments. The processors also have a setup and initialization method where they process the arguments to the operators. The model is simple and portable to any language
We will now look at some of these processors in detail.
We have the Rex processor that implements the Rex operations on the search results. If needed, it generates a field that contains the start/end offset of each match. And creates a mapping for groupId to key index if and only if not in sed mode.
We have the query suggestor operator which suggests useful keywords to be added to your search. This works by ignoring some keywords and keeping a list of samples.
The Head processor iterated over the results to display only the truncated set.
The tail processor shows the last few results.

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