Sunday, July 20, 2014

In today's post we continue to investigate applications of Splunk. One of the applications is supportability. Processes, memory, CPU utilization, file descriptor usages, system call failures are pretty much the bulk of the failures that require supportability measures. The most important of the supportability measures is the logging and although all components log, most of the fear around verbose logging has centered around pollution of logs. In fact most often used components lack helpful logging only because they are used so often that it rapidly grows the size of the log to an overwhelming number. Such a log is found offensive to admins who view the splunkd log as actionable and for their eyes only.
Now searches have their own logs and they generate logs for the duration of the sessions. Search artifacts are a blessing for across the board troubleshooting. It can be turned to debug mode, the generate log file is persisted only for the duration of the user session invoking the search and it does not bother the admins.
What is required from the components that don't log even to the search logs because they are so heavily used or are used at times other than searches is to combine the technique for search logs with this kind of logging.
The call for action is not just for components to log more or support logging to a different destination or have grades of logging but fundamentally allow a component to log without any concern for resources or impact. Flags can be specified by the component for concerns such as logging levels or actions. A mechanism may also be needed for loggers to specify round robin.
The benefit of a round robin in memory log buffer is the decoupling of producers from the consumers.  We will talk about logging improvements a lot more and cover a lot of aspects but the goal for now is to cover just this.
The in-memory buffer is entirely owned by the application and as such the components can given the slot number to write to. The entry or content for the log entries will follow some format but we will discuss that later.  There can be only one consumer for this in-memory buffer and that services one or more out of process consumers that honor the user/admin's choices for destination, longevity and transformations.

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