Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Today we review another book. In the book, Moments of Impact, the authors Ertel and Solomon explore how to design strategic conversations that accelerate change. With a whirlwind of activities, leaders have to tackle a variety of multifaceted challenges that require collaborations between groups.   However the standard way to do it is with meetings and they just don't cut it.
Strategic conversations lead to deep insights by combining the best ideas of people with different backgrounds and perspectives.  The authors suggest a simple creative process  that leaders and their teams can use to find solutions to complex problems.
The difference between a strategic conversation and a regular meeting is that the former has its own distinct type often engaging participants analytically, creatively and emotionally. Routine checkins,  formal board meetings, work well for a vast majority of meetings and they too require participants, objective and content but a strategic conversation is a little bit more.
The core principles are :
declare the objectives - define the purpose
identify the participants - engage multiple perspectives
assemble content - frame the issues
find a venue - set the scene
and set the agenda - make it an experience.
Courtesy :

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