Saturday, June 22, 2013

Interview questions on SQL Server:
1) What are the different isolation levels
2) What is the difference between repeatable read and read committed ?
3) What does the statement select from update do ?
4) What is the difference between Where and Having clauses ?
5) What are the differences between delete and truncate ?
6) What is key lookup in query plan ?
7) What is the statement to get query execution plan ?
8) What are the three parameters used to find bad query
9) What is the difference between clustered index and non-clustered index
10) What is SET NO COUNT ON ? What is the count after three DML statements ?
11) What is collation and case sensitivity ?
12) How do you handle errors in stored procedures ?
13) What is the statement to create a table by copying the schema of  another table ?
Interview questions on WCF, ASP.Net, NHibernate or MVC:
1) What is the difference between NHibernate and EntityFramework ?
2) If hbm files are not loaded, how do you include them ?
3) How do you define transactions for service calls ?
4) What is the transaction scoped to ?
5) What is MVC and how is it used ?
6) How is ASP.Net pages different from the MVC pages ?
7) What is the difference between the post back call both ASP.Net and MVC ?
8) What are the other characteristics of ASP.Net ?


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