Saturday, June 15, 2013

Finding the closest pair of points
Two points are closest based on their euclidean distance which is computed as sqrt( (x1 - x2) ^ 2    +  (y1 - y2) ^ 2 ). The naive approach would be to compare two points at a time and exhaust the nC2 choices
Instead we can use a divide and conquer algorithm whose running time is T(n)=2T(n/2)+O(n)
Let us take a subset P of points in Q and have two arrays with each holding all the points in P. Array X is sorted with monotonically increasing x coordinates and Y is sorted with monotonically increasing y coordinates. We keep the arrays presorted.
First the point set P is divided into two set with a vertical line such that there is roughly half the points in each. These are stored as two subarrays within X. Similarly the Y is stored as two sub-arrays which contains the points sorted by monotonically increasing y-coordinate.
Next, we find the closest pair of points recursively first in the left subarray and then in the right subarray. The inputs to the first call are the subset PL and arrays XL and YL and this is repeated for the right. The minimum of the closest distances between the left and the right are chosen.
Combine The closest pair is either the pair with the distance delta found by one of the recursive calls or it is a pair of points with one point in PL and another in PR. To find such points, we create an array Y' with only those points in Y that are not within the 2-delta wide distance from the line dividing the points. Delta is the minimum distance found from the earlier step.For each point p in Y', try to find points within Y' that are less than delta apart while keeping track of the smallest delta' found in Y'. It has to compare with only seven others in the delta times 2 delta rectangle. If  delta'  < delta we have found points that exist in this narrow band and are the results of the search otherwise the recursive calls gives the points with the closest distance.

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