Tuesday, July 22, 2014

We will discuss some configuration file entries for Splunk particularly one related to path specifiers say for certificates to launch Splunk in https mode, its syntax, semantics and migration issues. When Splunk is configured to run in https mode, the user indicates a flag called enableSplunkWebSSL and two paths for the certificates - the private cert (privKeyPath) and the certification authority cert (caCertPath). The path specified with these keys is considered relative to the 'splunk_home' directory. However, users could choose to keep the certificates wherever they like and so the paths could have '..' specifiers included. Paths could also start with '/' the specifier on unix style machines but these are generally not supported when the path is taken as relative. The '/' prefix to path is considered to be an absolute path specifier.
Since the user can store certificates anywhere on the machine, the path could be read as an absolute path. This way the user can directly specify path without the cumbersome '..' notation and the paths will be treated the same as the other configuration keys for Splunk. Other than that there are no advantages.
Now lets look at the caveats for converting relative to absolute paths.
First if the keys were specified then Splunk was working in https mode, so the certificates exist on the target. If the certificates are found under splunk_home then during migration, we can normalize and convert them to absolute paths. If the certificates are found under the root by way of '..' entries in the path, then this too can be made absolute with something like os.path.normpath(join(os.getcwd(), path)) in the migration script. If the certificates are not found by either means, then these keys should be removed so that Splunk can launch in default http mode ( although this will constitute a change in behavior )
Now that absolute paths have been specified in the configuration files, splunkd can assume that these directly point to the certificates and need not prepend them  with splunk_home. So it first checks that the certificates are pointed to where the path is available. Next it checks where the certificates are found under splunk_home with the path specified. This step could not have been avoided because we cannot rely on the migration script all the time. The user can change the settings anytime after first run. We could rely on the prefix '/' since the migration script makes paths absolute with a '/' prefix and if it is missing we proceed to look for the certificates under the splunk_home. However the '/' prefix is only for linux. On windows we don't have that luxury. The os.path.isabs(x) may need to be implemented and used by splunkd. Besides path on windows has several security issues : for example we should not allow paths to begin with \\?\ etc and device and pseudo-device specifiers. Merely checking whether the path exists may not be enough. Besides, certificates should not be on remote machines.
Finally with the new change to support absolute and relative paths, the splunkd process assumes that most paths encountered are absolute. These paths need to be checked for prefixes, length and validity before the certificates are found under them. If the certificates are not found either because they don't exist or because they are not accessible, then if the path is relative we look for the certificates under splunk_home and if that doesn't work we error out.
if (absolute)
if (relative)

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