Sunday, April 10, 2016

Enterprise scale message queues

Public clouds offer message queue services as a background task processor. Messages may be sent to queues that are set up with a processor to handle the messages. Since the messages are consumed offline, they are ideal for background tasks that do not otherwise fall under the scope of the online services or their Application Programming Interface (API).
This post describes how message queues may be made available in private cloud for end user consumption. If we choose full service message queue software, we will inevitably find a distributed cluster as the topology to deploy. The distributed cluster works even on the same physical machine and is already geared towards performance and scale-ability even on a limited resource. However, the choice of software and hardware and their configurations is important to study so that a suitable arrangement can then be made to handle different sizes of workloads. As we will shortly see, there are many options for rolling out message queue services. Moreover, the message queue services are considered here to be deployed in the cloud. If it were personal to each cloud user, then we could have treated it as an application and rolled it out with each server that is issued to customers.
Let us therefore see how the enterprise wide message queue services needs to be laid out to the customers of a private cloud.
First we choose the number of instances of the message queue cluster and the cluster size. We have already discussed that being as granular as one instance for every server does not offer the power that cloud computing users exist. On the other end of the spectrum having a large cluster for a single dedicated instance to private cloud users has the benefit that it can be made organization specific and at the same time be centrally managed and handled for all users. Moreover, this logical instance can be internally represented by a syndication of clusters across different regions hiding the complexity from the user. After all, the user expects an endpoint and access to the cluster regardless of how it is setup
Second the cluster size can vary depending on the loads because most message queue software allow the addition of nodes to increase the computing power.  This means that if we go with a single instance then we can arbitrarily scale out the cluster to meet the traffic. This is also more efficient when it is offered as a managed service
Lastly, we consider the nature of this software and provision accordingly. Customers are likely to use the queues in one of the following ways each of which implies a different layout for the same instance and cluster size.
1.       The queues may be mirrored across multiple nodes – This results in a choice of using clusters
2.       The queues may be chained where one feeds into the other – This results in a choice of using federation
3.       The queues may be arbitrary depending on application needs – This results in a build your own or the shovel work
Conclusion: A private cloud message queue offering has to be carefully planned and could begin with a single managed organization wide distributed instance.
Given a non negative integer number num. For every numbers i in the range 0 ≤ i ≤ num calculate the number of 1's in their binary representation and return them as an array.
int GetBits(int num)
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
   List<Bit> bits = num.toBits();
    count  += bitx.Count( x => x & 0x1);
return count;

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