Friday, April 8, 2016

Yesterday we were solving a puzzle as below.
You are given an array x of n positive numbers. You start at point (0,0) and moves x[0] metres to the north, then x[1] metres to the west, x[2] metres to the south,x[3] metres to the east and so on. In other words, after each move your direction changes counter-clockwise. Find out if the paths cross.
Today we discuss the space and time complexity of the solution. We use a set of start and end points for both current and previous axis segments. We update it as we linearly traverse the list of displacements until either we cross the path or we reach the end of the given list. Thus the space complexity is O (1) and time complexity is O (n).
We also review another coding problem.
This is the longest increasing path problem.
Given an integer matrix we have to find the length of the longest increasing path. From any cell, the path is formed by traversing left right up or down but not diagonally or outside the boundary. Since the path consists of strictly increasing sequence of selected elements from the matrix, it is a sorted sequence. We are only interested in the number of elements.
IF we start with a cell, we will have one or more choices to pick the next element for a path because only a few of the elements, if any, will be bigger than the current element. for each of these elements we have to repeat the same problem again.
There are three key aspects to recognize
1) the problem has a termination condition. we know we stop when we cannot add another element in the path because every element adjacent to the current element is of lesser or equal value or the current element is at the boundary or both.
2) each element participates as an origin of the path or as an interim element of some other element's path. This is called overlapping sub-problems
3) for all possible choices of next steps from the current element, we have the same problem all over again. This condition is for making progress in our path and we do it with recursion. Recursion means we form a solution that take care of termination and progress to the next step at which time we reenter the solution with the next element as the current.
Therefore the solution looks like the following:

void GetLongestPath(int[,] matrix, int rows, int cols, int i, int j, ref List<int> path)
bool progress = false;
if (j-1 > 0 && matrix[i,j-1] > matrix[i,j]) { progress = true; GetLongestPath(matrix, rows, cols, i, j-1, path);}
if (i-1 > 0 && matrix[i-1,j] > matrix[i,j]) { progress = true; GetLongestPath(matrix, rows, cols, i-1, j, path);}
if (j+1 < cols  && matrix[i,j+1] > matrix[i,j]) { progress = true; GetLongestPath(matrix, rows, cols, i, j+1, path); }
if (i+1 < rows && matrix[i+1,j] > matrix[i,j]) { progress = true; GetLongestPath(matrix, rows, cols, i+1, j, path); }
if (progress == false) Console.WriteLine("{0} items in {1}", path.Count(), path.toString());

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