Saturday, November 21, 2020

Network engineering continued ...

This is a continuation of the earlier posts starting with this one:

        1. Networking products solve a piece of the puzzle. And customers don’t always have boilerplate problems. 

        2. This calls for a solution integration between the solution and the product.

        1. Customers also prefer ability to switch products and stacks. They are willing to try out new solutions but have become increasingly wary of binding to any one product or the increasing encumbrances  

        1. Customers have a genuine problem with data being sticky. They cannot keep up with data transfers  

        1. Customers want the expedient solution and they are not willing to pay for redesign

        1. Customers need to evaluate the cost of even data transfer over the network. Their priority and severity are most important to them. 

        1. Customers have concerns with the $/resource whether it is network, compute or storage. They must secure ownership of data and yet have it spread out between geographical regions. This means they have trade-offs from the business perspectives rather than the technical perspectives

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