Friday, November 27, 2020

Network engineering continued ...

 This is a continuation of the earlier posts starting with this one:

  1. Sales and support need to be armed with the latest information and remain current on all features from the customers. They need to have those features work exactly as they say it would. 

  1. The focus on business value does not remain confined to the people on the border with the customers. It comes from deep within product development and engineering. 

  1. A network has high reusability and can be saved for all subsequent usages. This works well for data transfers that do not change over time. 

  1. When the data changes frequently, it helps to organize it in a way such that those that don’t change are on one side and those that do are on the other side. This helps with incremental results from the data. 

  1. Data will inevitably have patterns with reuse. We can call them sequences. While most data might be stored with general-purpose B-Tree, the sequences call for more efficient data structures such as the radix tree. These help insert and lookup of sequences to be easier. 

  1. Sequences are more efficiently stored if they remain sorted. This canonicalizes them. It also makes lookup use binary search. 

  1. The number of sequences might become very large. In such a case, it might be better to not make it part of the same tree and use more than one tree with shards and an index.  

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