Sunday, May 12, 2024

 While large tech sector businesses are developing proprietary warehouse robotics and drone fleet software, the rest of the industry is looking up to them for industry solutions. Unfortunately, these same businesses failed to deliver even on cloud migration and modernization solutions for various industries who were left to outsource the strategy and implementation to vendors. While boutique drone solution can be highly customizable, need-based and highly effective, a shopify-like platform for drone fleet management can bring the best practices to the industry without significant development costs. Businesses recognize the value of drone formation software that expand their options of delivery network aerial activities. From event exhibits such as those for Lady Gaga in 2016 Super Bowl half-time to home-delivery automations or aerial transport of goods or forestation activities, drone related software automations will only grow. It is this absence of a managed service for drone formation that inspires the technical design and use case presented in this document. The B2B solution provided by a business that implements a rich and robust drone formation handling mechanism not only gets it right once but also enables smoother and easier investment for the businesses that subscribe to these services without them having to reinvent the wheel. The competition in this field is little or non-existent given the breakthroughs possible in wiring up drone activities to a variety of drones. When the end-users do not have to rewrite automations for changes in business purpose or technological advances in drone units, they become more laser focused on their mission. With the use of public cloud and a pay-as-you-go model, the ability to isolate and scale drone formation specific computing and data storage is unparalleled and something that is not yet mainstream in this market yet.  This gives a lot of wind to sail the drone formation and planning services.  

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