Thursday, February 6, 2014

Today I will discuss Named return value optimization and copy elision. Copy elision is a compiler optimization technique that eliminates unnecessary copying of objects. For example, copying can be eliminated in the case of temporary objects of class type that has not been bound to a reference. This is the case in return value optimization. Take the following code as given in msdn :
class RVO
// constructor prints call
// copy constructor prints call
// destructor prints call
// declare data variable

Now if there was code for a method to return an object of this class after assignment of the data variable, it would call the consructor twice and the copy constructor once and the destructor thrice in that order because one object is created within the method and another object is created in the caller and a temporary object is created in the return value between the method and the caller.

This temporary object can now be done away with in an optimization without affecting the program logic because both the caller and the method will have access to their objects. This optimization is called return value optimization.
Hence the program output with return value optimization will print two constructors followed by two destructors and without the line for copy constructor and a destructor. This saves on memory space particularly if the object can be of arbitrary size.

Compilers such as that for Visual Studio has a switch to kick in this optimization. The effect of this optimization should be clear with the memory growth and can be resource monitored to see the difference.

A side effect of optimization is that programmer should not depend on the temporary objects being created. For example, if the programmer increments the reference count an object at its creation via both the constructor and the copy constructor, he should not differentiate between the two. Further the constructors and destructors will be paired so that programmer can rely on the lifetime of the object without losing the semantics.

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