Monday, February 10, 2014

We return to our discussion on Splunk commands. The eval command calculates an expression and puts the resulting value into a field. Eval recognizes functions such as :
abs(x), case(X, "Y",...), ceil(x), cidrmatch("x",Y) that identifies ip addresses that belong to a subnet, coalesce(X,...) that returns the first value that is not null, exact(X) that uses double precision, exp(x), floor(x), if (X,Y, Z), isbool(X), isint(X), isnotnull(X), isnull(X), isnum(x), isstr(), len(), like(X,"Y"), ln(X), log(X,Y), lower(X), ltrim(X,Y), match(X,Y) - which matches regex pattern, max(X,...), md5(x) which gives an md5 hash, min(X,...) which returns the min, mvcount(X) which returns the number of values of X, mvfilter(X) whcih filters the multivalued field, mvjoin(X,Y) which joins the field based on the specified delimiter, now which gives current time, null(), nullif(), pi(), pow(X,Y), random(), relative_time(X,Y), replace(X,Y,Z), round(X,Y), rtrim(X,Y), searchmatch(X) and split(X,"Y"), sqrt(X) and strftime(X, Y)which returns the time as specified by the format, strptime() that parses time from str, substr, time, tonumber, tostring, trim, typeof(X) that returns a string representation of its type, upper(X), urldecode(X) and validate(X,Y,...)
Common stats function include avg, count, dc that returns distinct values, first, last, list, max, median, min, mode, perc<x>(Y) that returns percentile, range that returns difference between max and min values, stdev that returns sample standard deviation, stdevp that returns population standard deviation, sum, sumsq, values and var that returns variance of X.
Regular expressions can be specified with the following meta characters:
\s for white space, \S for not white space, \d for Digit, \D for not digit, \w for word character,  \W for not a word character, [...] for any included character, [^...] for no included character, * for zero or more, + for one or more, ? for zero or one, | for Or, (?P<var>...) for named extraction such as for SSN, (?:...) for logical grouping, ^ start of line, $ for end of line, {...} for number of repetitions, \ for Escape, (?= ...) for Lookahead,  and (?!...) for negative lookahead. The  same regular expressions can be specified in more than one ways but the parser will attempt to simplify/expand it to cover all cases as applicable by the pattern. For example a repetition of x 2 to 5 times x{2,5} will be written as xx(x(x(x)?)?)?

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