Friday, February 28, 2014

In the post on using the SQL Server service broker as a modular input for Splunk, we introduced a technique but we now describe the complete solution. We mentioned that we could read messages from the Broker by opening a SqlConnection and executing a SQL statement. For every such message received we can create a Splunk modular input event wrapper and send off the data to Splunk.
The program implements the Splunk script object and implements the methods that are required to take the configuration from the user, apply the configuration and extract events. These events are extracted from the message broker as mentioned above.
The sampling rate is determined by the number of messages We fork a thread to process the messages for the designated queue. The config determines the queue names, the sampling intervals etc. The default sampling interval is zero.
We invoke the CLI command object from the SDK. Specifically, we say Command.Splunk("Search").
And then we add the parameter we want to search with.  we can check the cli.Opts to see if our search  command and parameter were added.  After defining the command object, we then create a job object to invoke it. We do it with the following:
var service = Service.Connect(cli.Opts)
var jobs = service.GetJobs();
var job = jobs.Create((string)cli.Opts["search"]);
We wait till the job is done. This we can check with the done flag on the job.
We retrieve the results of the jobs with the job.getResults command which returns a stream.  We can then open a ResultsReaderXml on this stream to retrieve the events.

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