Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Splunk has an SDK for programmability in different languages including C#. The object model is granular to enable the same kind of functionality as with the web interfaces. We briefly enumerate a few here:
There's an application class that represents the locally installed Splunk app.
There's an application archive that represents the archive of a Splunk app.
Both application and application archive derive from Entity class. The Entity class represents the base class for all Splunk entities. EntityMetadata class provides access to the metadata properties of a corresponding entity and can be instantiated with the static GetMetdadata() method.
The application args class extends Args for application creation properties. The Args class is a helper class so that the Splunk REST APIs can be called with key value pairs arguments
ApplicationSetup class represents the setup information for a Splunk app.

The BaseService functionality is common to both Splunk Enterprise and Splunk storm. The ConfCollection represents the collection of configuration options

Alerts are represented by FiredAlert class and their groupings - FiredAlertGroup and FiredAlertGroupCollection.

The HttpService class is for the web access and uses both http and https protocols.
The Index class represents the Splunk DB/Index object. Index also comes with corresponding IndexArgs.
The Job class represents a search Job and comes with its own JobArgs, JobEventArgs, JobExportArgs, JobResultsArgs, and JobResultsPreviewArgs. The Message and MessageArgs and MessageCollection are used to represent Splunk messages.
The ResultsReaderJson and ResultsReaderXML are specific derivations of the abstract ResultsReader class used for reading search results.

The MonitorInput class represents a monitor input which is a file, directory, script or network port and soon to include windows message queuing. These are monitored for new data.
The WindowsActiveDirectoryInput, WindowsEventLogInput, WindowsPerfmonInput, WindowsRegistryInput and WindowsWmiInput corresponding data input class.

The Receiver class exposes methods to send events to Splunk via the simple or streaming receiver endpoint.

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