Monday, February 17, 2014

We review command line tools used for support of Splunk here.
cmd tool can invoke other tools by including the required preset environment variables. These can be displayed with the splunk envvars command.
The btoollllllll can be used to view or validate the Splunk configuration files. This is taking into account configuration file layering and user / app context i.e the configuration data visible to the given user and from the given app or from an absolute path or with extra debug information.
btprobe queries the fish bucket for file records stored by tailing by specifying the directory or crc compute file. Using the given key or file, this tool queries the specified BTree
classify cmd is used for classifying files with types.
fsck diagnoses the health of the buckets and can rebuild search data as necessary.
hot, warm, thawed or cold buckets can be specified separately or together with all.
locktest command  tests the locks
locktool command can be used to set and unset the tool
parsetest command can be used to parse log files
pcregextest command is a simple utility tool for testing modular regular expressions.
searchtest command is another tool to test search functionality of Splunk.
signtool is used for  verification and signing spunk index buckets.
tsidxprobe will take a look at your time series index files or tsidx and verify the formatting
 or identify a  problem file. It can look at each of the index files. is a utility script to search for tsidx files at a specified starting starting location, runs tsidxprobe for each one, and outputs the results to a file.
Perhaps one more tool that could be added to this belt is one that helps with monitoring and resource utilization to see if the number of servers or settings can be better adjusted

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