Saturday, March 22, 2014

Having discussed the Bellman ford algorithm, let us quickly revisit the classical depth first search. We can apply this to model computational problems using graph.
Graph representations usually involve an adjacency matrix where the matrix rows and columns are vertices and there is an entry in the cell corresponding to (u,v) if and only if the u,v is connected by a direct edge.
An adjacency list adj(v), on the other hand comprises of list of neighbours of v.
In a depth first traversal, we start from a vertex v. For each neighbour w of v that is not explored yet, we recursively explore graph from w. depth first means we explore one vertex as far as possible before moving to the next one.
That is why this algorithm can be considered a decrease and conquer approach.
In a DFS forest, there are tree edges and back edges. Back edges are the missing edges.
One other thing we could do in a depth first tree is that we could keep track of when we enter and exit a vertex.We do this with the help of a stack.
Every back edge leads to an ancestor. A question is in a depth forest, can there be a vertex edge to a vertex that is not an ancestor. The answer in this case is no because if there was an edge between two vertices, then one of the vertices is unexplored and it would be added below not by going up. So all the edges on the top are explored. So a back edge to something other than an ancestor is not possible.
If we were to write a pseudo code for marking the entry and exit point, it would look something like this:
for each v in V do { entryno[v] = 0; exitno[v] = 0 }
entrycount = 0; exitcount = 0;
for each v in V do
 if (entrycount(v) == 0) { dfs(v); }

entrycount = entrycount + 1; entryno[v] = entrycount;
foreach(v,w) in E do
if (entrycount[w] = 0) {dfs(w);})
exitcount = exitcount + 1; exitno[v] = exitcount;

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