Wednesday, March 12, 2014

We will cover some more discussion the traveling salesman problem. We have discussed memorization and branching and bounding so far. We will consider NP completeness today. The class P kind of problems are based on Yes/No answers. They have a deterministic polynomial time algorithm. The class NP kind of problems are based on Yes/No answers for which a non-deterministic polynomial time algorithm is known. The advantage with the NP kind of problems is that it can guess many different choices for the solution and if one of the choices is correct, it always has the magical ability to guess that particular choice.
Note that the traveling salesman problem is not phrased as a yes no problem. Instead it is stated as given a weighted undirected graph find a TSP tour visiting each vertex only  once coming back to the start and with the minimum weight w <=k  But we can rephrase this as a yes no problem by asking if the cost is less than k.
Moreover, we can
guess the order in which to tour the vertices  and
check to see that the total weights is <= k
Note that the answers are dependent on the value of k. If none of the total weights of different choices are < k then no matter how we guess the total weight will be greater than k and we will answer no.
Now recalling that P is a subset of NP. we will say that P space problems are also NP. We haven't been able to find an algorithm in NP yet and that is why it begs the question if P = NP. What we do know in addition to this is that there are a class of problems that are really really difficult to solve and these are called NP-complete problems and they lie on the perimeter of the NP space problems.
We will now look to see if TSP problem is NP-complete.
We answer the question Is there a  TSP tour of weight <=k in G
We ask a different question for NP-complete:
Given a graph G with n vertices, is there a path in G of length n - 1 ? and this is a well known way of asking this problem as NP-complete and is referred to as the Hamiltonian path.
Suppose there is a deterministic polynomial time algorithm TSP(G,k)
Then we show that there is a deterministic polynomial time algorithm HAMPATH(G). If we can accomplish that then this will mean that TSP problem is NP-complete because we stated the Hamiltonian path as an NP-complete problem.
How we can use the TSP(G,k) to solve the Hamiltonian path problem, we will now see. We have to answer the question : - is there a path of length n-1 in a given n-vertex graph G ?
We add an extra vertex and connect all the other vertices with a new edge each. This does not take too long. This we call the graph G' where every edge has weight 1 and missing edges have weight infinity.
We now write the Hampath(G) steps as
   construct G' as above
   return T(G', n + 1)
Now G has a path of length n - 1if and only if G' has a tour of weight <= n + 1
In other words, if we take two edges to connect the new vertex on the way out and on the way in, then the remaining n-1 edges will be the path for the graph G.

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