Thursday, March 27, 2014

Today I will cover a software component I'm looking into that consolidates the configuration and administration of the dynamic atom feeds from different model generators that I mentioned in the previous to previous post. When a user makes a REST request to the server, the server does some checks to determine the response to return to the user. In our case, we are looking at atom feeds from different REST handlers all of which conform to this security and configuration mechanism. We will study this component in some depth and will try to come up with potential improvements.
First this component is called the AdminManager.  This component is responsible for managing the server side model generation that is made available for consumption by various interfaces such as the UI and the command line Interface. In a way, this component automates access and configuration of the models that the server generates.
Let us take a closer look at this component. There's several things to mention.
We begin with access control. This component lists some common actions for all the handlers to respond to different  REST endpoints. These are listed as create, edit, remove, list, members, reload, new, move, enable, disable and doc. More than one action can be checked together with a bit mask. The access control can be checked with capabilities. There are two capabilities specified. These are read and write. Actions translate to capabilities that could be demanded or set by handlers.  Handlers can be enabled / disabled. Results from the handlers can be filtered. Actions and capabilities/permissions determine the type of response. We don't block execution, we just return error or results.
Handlers all derive from a base class. The base class has methods for the actions involved. Each derived handler can override these methods corresponding to each action to produce the result they want. If the overrides are not specified, they default to error. There are flags for some of the actions to see if these actions are possible such as if you want to move an item. There is also a custom action possible that handlers can use to extend there functionality. The actions can return results in JSON or XML format. Applications and Users alike that can utilize these REST handlers can be specified with wild cards. It can also take a list of features. These features could be considered a pre-requisite for the handlers to execute.
Access control itself involves several checks. We discuss these now.
First supported actions are filtered. Whether a user can read or write is determined based on the capability for the corresponding read or write permission. The user is checked for the permission involved. This is not necessarily an RBAC access control but merely a check against the privileges for the user. The system user for instance has all the privileges.The capabilities a user has is determined from the license manager for instance or by the explicitly added capabilities. This is also necessary from audit purposes. If the auditing is not necessary, then the check against capabilities could always return true. On the other hand if we are to audit all denies, we should leave a trail in the audit log.
Actions and capabilities are mapped and determine the access for the most part.
Next we talk about ACLs and how they are set and determined. Setting ACLs is itself a custom action and requires write capability.  Owner, sharing and permissions are specified when setting the ACL. The rule of thumb here has been to have just enough checks in place and nothing too complex or flexible to be called an overkill.  That shouldn't limit us from making it flexible for extensions in the future. Today we require owner, sharing and permissions for a resource, but tomorrow we could have not just read and write permissions but permissions such as Full control, modify, read and execute, read and write, special permissions etc. Today we have explicit privileges, tomorrow they could be chained or inherited. Today we have auditing for users, tomorrow we could differentiate, users, groups, apps, service accounts etc.Today we have a builtin user for system, tomorrow we could have many different builtin users and groups. Today when we mean share we share all permissions, tomorrow we could set the permission levels to whom we share with.
Now coming  back to determines the lines of authentication, authorization and auditing in the calls for processing REST requests.
First is the initialization step. The capabilities and evaluation rules are added from a configuration file. In this configuration file, for a particular endpoint, the capabilites and evaluation rules will be mentioned when the handler was first registered with this mechanism.
The capabilites could be for example read, write, search. etc. The rule could be the endpoint qualifier to match.
Note that this configuration file is a great start for re-organization. When there is enough handlers registered to see the kind of capabilities, matches, actions, customizations specified, the new architecture could be used to make it easier for the components to specify what they want.
Further more, most of the configuration  variations will come in handy to provision the central governance that this handler meets. If there are enough handlers specified in the AdminManager configuration file, this is  a low hanging fruit for a rewrite.
At this point we are able to filter the supported actions based on the configuration information and the passed in user context and the look up of the associated user's capabilites. This filtering of supported actions is where the authorization line is crossed. 
After the initialization step and depending on the authorization, we can ACL  resources as we have described earlier.
Next we evaluate the custom actions. Actions can have arguments. These can be used together with the actions to differentiate the kind of response required.
Next we validate the arguments, their presence and values as specified in the configuration.
At this point the authorization is complete and we are ready to execute the handler.

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