Friday, March 21, 2014

We look at Bellman-Ford algorithm today.
Dijkstra's algorithm requires us to have non-negative weights.
This algorithm let us compute the shortest path even when the weights are non-negative. Dijkstra's algorithm does not work with negative edge weights because it does not recompute the costs between vertices as we discover intermediary nodes.
We are now allowing negative edges with the caveat that the negative cycle is not ok.
Shortest path are well defined.
The idea here is that for increasing lengths k, compute shortest paths with at most k edges.
Our observation is that the shortest path can have at most n-1 edges >= n edges-cycle. Non-negative weights are eliminated.
The recurrence is described this way.  The path of length k from v to u breaks up as path of length k - 1 from v to some neighbor w of u. Then we add an edge from w to u.
We use the notation dist-k[u] as the shortest path from v to u using at most k edges.
dist-k[u] = min( dist-k-1[u], distk-1[w] + cost[w,u] for each neighbour w of u )
we know that dist 0 of source vertex v = 0  and dist0[u] = infinity.
So we create  a grid to compute the distances. We grow the path length from the source vertex to all the others so for a seven vertex graph we have path lengths varying from 0 to 6  For each path length we compute the costs and fill the grid.
The pseudo code is like this:
BellmanFord(v, cost, dist, n) {
for i = 1 to n do
    dist[i]  = infinity;
dist[v] = 0;

for k =1 to n-1 do
 for each vertex  u != v do
     distnew[u] = dist[u];  // upto k-1
     for each edge (i,u) do
      distnew[u] = min(distnew[u], dist[i] + cost(i,u));
 for each vertex u != v do
    dist[u] = distnew[u];   // replace

Complexity is O(n^3) if we use Adj matrix/
and O(nm) if we use the adjacency list
Optimizations include the following:
At k+1 the only distances that can change are those whose incoming edges have changed in the previous round. So we maintain a queue of those vertices whose distance reduces in iteration k
  Only need to update neighbours of these vertices
We can also terminate if no change is seen for some k.

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