Friday, March 7, 2014

I read an MSDN article written a while back titled Don't let memory allocation failures crash your legacy STL application. Here it is mentioned that application developers who use STL for C++ and Visual C++ compiler 6.0 have a high risk of crash under low memory conditions. This is because the new operator does not respond in a standard manner when it fails. The response could be to throw an exception or return NULL. Additionally, in 6.0 there was no exception thrown but in 7.0 and later exception is thrown. Furthermore, MFC adds its own behavior to this operator but Visual C++ and MFC are different products. 6.0 was not STL compliant. C++ .Net version was more compliant than earlier versions. The exceptions thrown by C++ compiler and MFC are different.
So a project written in 6.0 and using STL has some challenges.
Generally new is not checked. This is because its assumed to never fail or because it is considered to throw an exception. But both assumptions are flawed. Low memory and no exceptions are possible.
The STL implementation at the time of 6.0 for a string copy was to allocate and increment the pointer. It was correct when it relied on the assumption that new would throw when it failed and it correctly caught all exceptions. So handlers were added.
Sometimes its preferred to use the new operator with the nothrow specification. This is also common. However what is not common or expected is that the new operator may still throw even with that specification. This could be because the constructor might fail or because the 6.0 version is built for Release and the release version throws while the debug version doesn't. When this happens the pointer is not NULL. and with the release version the exception is bad allocation.
This is fixed as follows: First we specify that this handler should not throw.  Then we wrap the new operator in a try catch and catch bad alloc exception. Next we set the pointer to null in the catch block.
If the new were to be changed to throw an exception as is mandatory with the STL, then the fix would be to wrap the std:: nothrow. This may work for code with which these handlers are compiled. But exiting third party libraries that use std::nothrow now pose a challenge. In this case, either the codepath using that nothrow specification is to be modified or avoided or recompiled with the static library.
One more issue in this context is that the STL itself may use this form of nothrow allocators and so they may need to be avoided or STL implementations that don't use nothrow can be used instead.


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