Friday, May 2, 2014

In this post, we revert to designing a scalable queue alerts module. We describe a technique that involves getting all the messages from the queues and then filtering them for the actions involved. In this case, we add metadata to the messages particularly the queue to which it belongs. When the queues get added or deleted, we do or do not see messages from those queues so this does not affect the message processor in the alerts module. However the rules may or may not be in sync with the rules.To change the rules, the alerts module must be reloaded with the new set of rules. In order to do that, the alerts module provides an interface to reconfigure the rules it has. These rules could still be invalid. If the queues mentioned in the rules don't exist or if there are some errors encountered during the evaluation of the rules, they result in no-operation. The messages are evaluated only against those that are valid. For the valid messages the actions are invoked by workers from a pool. These help with message processing so that messages are not queued behind a single worker. Also the rules could specify the action in  a way that it serves as alerts.
The implementation has two layers. There is the message manager and the message worker. The worker receives the incoming messages and evaluates it against a rule to determine the action to be taken. The message manager does book keeping of the actions and the messages for a particular application.  The manager can work with workers across applications and rules. The manager can also start and stop the worker. By separating the management of the message, queue, rules configuration and actions, we have a separation of concerns and the layer above can assume that the messages are all read and acted on.
I will describe the API next that outlines the interaction between the alerts module and the  user

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