Thursday, May 15, 2014

Today   I want to talk about auditing in the context of software. Auditing is not only for security but also for compliance and governance. Typically they are used for hashing or signing as well as to create an audit trail. When different accounts access a protected resource, an audit trail can reconstruct the timeline of actors and their operations. This is done with the help of two keys a private key and a public key. The private key is for encrypting a message so that the message is not transparent.  Anyone with a public key  though can decrypt it. Of course the public key has to be shared in a trustworthy way and hence a certification authority is involved as an  intermediary. A receiver with a public key can then decrypt the message back to its original content.
Unlike other products functionality features auditing has a special requirement. It is said that incomplete security is worse than no security. The main concern here is how to audit events and sign them such that they have not been tampered with. Auditing explains 'who' did 'what' 'when'. As such it must be pristine. If there is tampering, it lays waste all the information given so far. Moreover, information for a specific event may be critical. If this information is tampered with, there could be a different consequence than the one intended. Even though audit events are generally not actionable except for regulations and compliance, it is another data point and is often demanded from software systems. Hence auditing is as important a feature as any, if not more. To add to the requirements of auditing,  one important requirement is that security events may also be a consumer of auditing. Information about actions, actors and subjects are also events and as such are met with the same signing and hashing that auditing does.

One of the concerns with the sensitivity of the information is addressed by preventing any changes to audited event such as update or delete. This we see is helpful to guaranteeing that the data has not been tampered with. But can it be enforced. what mechanism can we put in place for this ?
Some techniques include hashing. A hashing function such as SHA256 for example will generate the same hash for the same input. Moreover the input may not be deciphered from its hash. Given a hash and the original from different sources, we can now check whether they are the same.
Another technique is to use the public key cryptography mentioned above. A public key and a private key can be used to enable only a selected set of receivers to understand the message. The public key is distributed while the private key is secured. When the public key is handed out, it is assumed to come from the sender that is why it is called a certificate.
If you would like to verify that the certificate did come from the sender, we can reach the certificate authority.The private key is left to the issuing party to secure.The keys can be generated with tools but its left for the party to secure. That said, if the users for the software do not interact with the keys generally or are admins themselves, then this is less severe.
In general its good to be a little paranoid about systems when it comes to security. 

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