Monday, May 12, 2014

LogParser and Splunk
We will cover some topics common to logParser and Splunk and see how we can integrate these.
LogParser is a versatile and powerful tool that enables searches over xml, csv etc. It has a universal query access to text based data.
LogParser can take a SQL expression on the command line and output the results that match the query.
Splunk has a unix style rich query operators to perform search that goes beyond just retrieving the results.
The advantage of a common LINQ expression for querying is that it can work with any data source. If we could consider logParser and Splunk as two different query based data providers, then arguably there is a way to support LINQ style querying over Splunk.
Let us on the other hand look at integrating LogParser and Splunk directly. While one can take the output of the other it is preferable that Splunk takes log parser as a modular input. More on this shortly.
Architecturally, there is considerable difference between LogParser and Splunk
Splunk to SQL connector apps already read relational data. There are plenty of apps that can connect to different SQL sources and perhaps use SQL queries.
However there is very limited apps that read logParser.
LogParser can read different kinds of data not just xml or csv. It can read different data such as event viewer.
The ability to query over such data is a major benefit contributing to its popularity on Windows systems.
Splunk could translate user queries to SQL and in this way have access to not only log parsers capabilities but also the data sources that are typically used with LogParser.

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