Friday, September 8, 2017

Today we continue reviewing Bing Maps API
These APIs include map control and services that can be used to make maps part of your application. These APIs are an authoritative source for geospatial features. They offer static and interactive maps, geocoding, route and traffic data.Any spatial data such as store locations can be queried and stored with these APIs. Typically an account and a key is needed to use the APIs. The key is used as a license to utilize their services. They are classified as used for public website, private website and enterprise assets.
The Bing Maps dev center provides account management functionality. An account is needed to cut a key and to manage data sources.
Bing Maps helps you visualize spatial data. Users love to know where a store is or how to get there. And the data does not always need to come from Bing. It can be overlaid over the map. As long as the data has geographical coordinates, it can be used with the maps. Previously this data was sent over as xml, now there is support for more succint format as GeoJson 
Recently Bing Maps announced support for drag and drop of GeoJson format data over maps.

Prune a binary tree with root to leaf paths whose sum is greater than k
we use a recursive post order traversal and eliminate the leaves whose sum is greater than k. Nodes higher up become leaves.
Traverse the left of the root and get left
Traverse the right of the root and get right
if the root is a leaf, and the sum is greater than k, delete the root and return null
reduce the sum and return root.

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