Friday, September 22, 2017

We continue to review the slides from Stanford that introduce Natural Language Processing via Vector Semantics.We said that vector representation is useful and opens up new possibilities. We saw that a lookup such as a thesaurus does not help.
Stanford NLP has shown there are four kinds of vector models.
A Sparse vector representation where a word is represented in terms of the co-occurrences with the other words and using a set of weights for their co-occurrences. This weight is usually based on a metric called the mutual information.
A dense vector representation that involves latent semantic analysis, neural net or clusters from Brown corpus. The dense vector representations share a representation of word as a vector of numbers which translate a word into a corresponding vector in the vector space. This is called embedding.
Co-occurrence matrices were of many forms such as term-document matrix, word-word matrix, word-context matrix etc The term-document matrix was  a count of word w in a document d. Each document therefore becomes a count vector. The similarity between the words in this case merely indicates their occurrence to be similar. If we changed the scope from documents to some other text boundary, we have word-word matrix.  The similarity in this case improves over that in the term-document matrix. A word-context matrix improves this further because the word in terms of context which is closer to its meaning and bring semantical similarity.
Co-occurrence between two words have two forms - first order and second order. The first order co-occurrence is syntagmatic association and the second-order association is paradigmatic association which means the first one is based on positions  where as the second one is based on similar neighbors. Note that the vectorization derives from the usage of words which is why it becomes popular. Another way to look at usage is to canonicalize the text into an esperanto language where the relations and syntax are more oriented towards natural language processing. Some work has already begun with different kind of improvements to ontologies that are not restricted to thesaurus or wordnet but one such as FrameNet. All we need to keep in mind here is that there are layers to tackle the problem - Usage, vector space, classification of vectors. 

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