Friday, September 29, 2017

Today we continue reviewing the whitepaper - the chutes and ladders of customer identity from Gigya which is a leader in Customer Identity and Access Management Industry. The title uses an analogy of a well-known game. This is a whitepaper that introduces the delights and the pitfalls in customer experience with identity.

The chutes for customer identity are demonstrated by
1) annoying ads for past purchases
2) spamming of email inbox with unwanted newsletters
3) more setup and initiation activities prior to transaction

The ladders for customer identity are demonstrated by
1) personalization of ads done right
2) less frequent and more pertinent notifications
3) more integrated and seamless experience with less chores

Some of their salient mentions include:
1) The need for personalization experience from the beginning and the need for a lighter touch.
2) More visitors register themselves when they see a value and an easy way in.
3) Also customer data can be collected over time and the profile built up on a continuous basis
4) This data can also be shared or synchronized with downstream marketing, sales and services based on compliance with privacy and industry standards.
5) CIAM Solutions treat first party data of the customer as cash. Its value is immediate and most reliable.
6) There is transparency required by virtue of the data and integration between systems should be facilitated but these systems realize the importance of first party data.
count palindrome substrings in a string.
We mentioned the brute force way is to enumerate all substring and check for palindrome. This is also similar to using each letter as the center of a palindrome candidate and expanding it in both directions for even and odd length palindrome. We also mentioned an alternative that exploits the lengths of the palindrome substrings to follow Pascal's triangle We explain dynamic programming technique Since this problem of counting palindrome has overlapping Subproblems in the range i to j of the string, we can also use memoization and dynamic programming. 
For one or two letters in a range (i,j):
      we can initialize the palindrome count
else if str(i,j) is a palindrome
      we increment the count by 1 and count for (i,j-1) + (i+1,j) - (i+1,j-1)
      we proceed to count for  (i,j-1) + (i+1,j) - (i+1,j-1)
This count can directly be read and updated in a dp matrix of string length sized x and y.

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