Monday, June 24, 2019

Analyzing Docker images for security vulnerabilities:
This is an explanation of an emerging trend in the vulnerability assessment tools and the general security industry in general. The focus of the earlier article emphasized binaries in the form of executables. This has been the traditional model of packaging and publishing a product. It usually comes with an installer or a mere layout of the files produced by the compiler of the language in which the product was written.
With the move to the cloud, containers became widely adopted. A container framework mentions a proprietary format which includes not just the executable but also the libraries that enable the executable to be run in its own hosting environment referred to as the runtime. This format included a snapshot of all the executable and the runtime requirements. It is referred to as an image.
The container framework tossed in requirements to the image so that the image can work with their abstractions of components of the deployment often referred to as pods in a cluster.  A pod is an encapsulation of the resources required to run an image. While a container provides a runtime for the image, the pod hosts one or more containers.
There were no more the concepts of Mac and PC as computers to run a program. The container framework was a veritable computer in itself and required the programs to be made available as images. This had the nice side benefit that the images could involve a variety of tools, technologies, languages, products and their settings. Some images became popular for distribution. Perhaps one of the most important benefit is that this packaging could not run on a computer or in the public and private clouds.
As such the security tools that worked on homogeneous technologies including the language specific introspection of objects now had a significant challenge in analyzing a basket of full of heterogeneous programs. This mixed notion of application was difficult to scan without including an almost equally hybrid toolset to cover all the programs. Along with the emerging trends, a lightweight language that was highly performed and geared for modular execution named Go also became popular. Toolsets to scan the binaries of these images were somewhat lacking not only because the language was lacking but also because the language represented erstwhile the unsafe usages of C programs and their functions.
As images began to be authored, collected and shared, they spread almost as fast as the internet and required public and private registries to be maintained so that they can be looked up, uploaded and downloaded.  This proliferation of images provided a new challenge to digital signatures of the images which was not always avoided with the security around the registries.

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