Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Earlier archives and tar balls of executables from different languages were made available to the user to run an application. However, this approach involved more user interaction than images. Images are also convenient for sharing on registries across organizations.
However, this new format of packaging has posed new challenges for verification and validation as opposed to the executables that often had both binaries and symbols where the symbols could become helpful in interpreting the executables. Moreover, code analysis tools used to work very well with introspection of executables. Rigorous annotations in the code as well as analyzers of these static annotations tremendously improved the sanctity of some of the executables as the end product of all the application development.  With the availability of images, it was harder to tell if there was anything injected or otherwise contaminating the image
Therefore the only option left for organizations is to control the process with which images proliferate. Strict control of process helps and access control of end product helps ease the validity of the images. However peer to peer exchange of images is also just as important for the general usages as the images from corporations. Therefore there is a certain class differentiation made available in the registry as public and private as well as internal images and external facing images.
When the verification and validation of images are described as standard routines regardless of the origin of images, they can be encapsulated in a collection where each routine corresponds to a certain security policy. These include policy definitions that are standard as well as those that are custom to specific entities, departments or time-periods. The evaluation of a routine for a policy is however an automatable task and can be made available as a software product or development library depending on the spectrum between full-service and do-it-yourself approach.
Much of the validation and verification is therefore external to the binaries and images and the technology to perform these can also be saved as custom images.
One of the advantages of integration with build pipeline is that the verification and validation are triggered more often. This enables continuous integrations where every build can be considered to be vetted.
Scanning the end-results of the build for the security vulnerabilities is also another benefit of doing this at build time. Now the fixes can not only be monitored on a build to build basis, but also the vulnerability defects will be flagged before the binaries reach the consumers.

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