Saturday, June 29, 2019

We now discuss some of the mitigations to the vulnerabilities detected by this tool. Perhaps the best defense is to know what is contained in the images. If we are proactive in not including packages with vulnerabilities, we reduce the risk tremendously. Next we can be consistent and clean in elaborating the location from which the images are built or the packages/jars are included. Third, we can update our dependencies to use the latest software as and when they get released. Fourth, we can run our scan continuously on our builds so we can evaluate the changes within. Finally, we can manifest and document all our jars and containers.
Some dependencies incur a lot of vulnerabilities.  Their replacements are also well-advertised. Similarly, popular source code and containers don’t get due maintenance. The approach to start with minimal and make incremental progress wins in all these cases.
Source code analyzers work differently from binary scanners. Although both are static analyzers, source code analysis comes with benefits such as scanning code fragments, supporting cloud compiled language, compiler agnostic and platform agnostic processing etc. All scanner will evaluate only those roles that are specified to them from the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure CVE public database.
There are a few thumb rules to defend against vulnerabilities
Keep the base images in Dockerfile up to date
Prefer public and signed base images to private images.
Keep the dependencies up to date.
Make sure there are no indirect references or downloaded code
Ensure that http redirects are properly chaining the correct dependencies
Actively trim the dependencies.
Get the latest CVE definitions and mitigations for the product
Validate the build integrations to be free from adding unnecessary artifacts to the product
Ensure that the product images have a manifest that is worthy of publication to public registries
Ensure that the product and manifests are scanned for viruses
A deployment could be used to scan network vulnerabilities and web application testing
Keep the images and product signed for distribution
Enforce role-based access control on all images, binaries and artifacts.
Keep all the releases properly annotated, documented and versioned.

int GetDistance(int[][] A, int Rows, int Cols, int X, int Y) { 
Pair<int,int> posx = GetPosition(A, Rows, Cols, X); 
Pair<int, int> posy = GetPosition(A, Rows, Cols, Y); 
If ((posx.first == -1 || posx.second == -1) && (posy.first == -1 || posy.second == -1)) { 
Return 0; 
If (posx.first == -1 || posx.second == -1) { 
Return getDistanceFromTopLeft(posy); 
Return getDistanceFromTopLeft(posx); 
Int getDistanceFromTopLeft(Pair<int, int> position) 
    If (position.first == -1 || position.second == -1) return 0; 
    Return position.first + position.second; // we don’t take cartesian co-ordinate distance as the sqrt of sum of squares of displacements along x and y axis 

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